Payments and Fees
Registration Period Opens: 25 August 2015
Delegate Fee: $30 per delegate
Delegation Fee: $60 **
Advisor Fee: The advisor fee consists of a $10 charge for each parent or advisor in excess of a standard number of advisors allocated to each delegation. This number depends on the number of delegates; each delegation can send two advisors, plus one for every eight delegates, for free. See the table below:
Delegate Fee: $30 per delegate
Delegation Fee: $60 **
Advisor Fee: The advisor fee consists of a $10 charge for each parent or advisor in excess of a standard number of advisors allocated to each delegation. This number depends on the number of delegates; each delegation can send two advisors, plus one for every eight delegates, for free. See the table below:
Number of Delegates
1-8 9-16 17-24 25-32 33-40 41-48 |
Number of Free Advisors
2 3 4 5 6 7 |
* A waiting list will be available for interested delegations, should the conference become full before registration closes.
**Delegations of four or fewer will have their delegation fee waived.
**Delegations of four or fewer will have their delegation fee waived.