To those who attended BUAMUN VII on February 2-3, 2019:
Thank you for attending our largest conference yet, and spending your entire weekend with us. We know that your time is precious, and we've just got a few words to say.
Our conference has grown a lot since our beginning six years ago, going from a small gathering of 50 or less local students to a huge 300+ delegate event drawing schools from around the world. Yet the evolution in size has not been nearly as significant change as the evolution in ideas we've witnessed; the delegates of each new conference seem to come in more eager and more capable to tackle the globe’s challenges than the year before, and BUAMUN 2018 was no different. A persistence in the face of adversity, unflinching commitment to cooperation, and remarkable ingenuity was easily observable any time one of us decided to pop into a committee room, and we’ve heard the same from our chairs – so much, in fact, that nearly all of them were having fits in trying to choose the few delegates to give awards to. Though you should all be proud regardless, because we personally have never seen a group of young diplomats, much less diplomats from the middle school level, so effectively tackle a range of issues as wide as what you all grappled with this weekend, which ranged from the gravely serious to the seriously absurd – two things we at BUAMUN try to provide in equal supply.
We are all heralds of change and advocates for the betterment of all people. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”. In accordance with this quote, and in pursuit of our own fulfillment as well as that of others, we urge you all to dedicate yourselves to accomplishing the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals. Your mere presence at our conference demonstrates your insatiable curiosity or empowering others and tirelessly working to ensure that everyone has a voice.
We, the youth, are the generation with the responsibility of accomplishing these goals. We are in the state of transition; we are the next adult generation. It is in our hands to pursue better opportunities for out futures. This is our clarion call to all youth to join this movement and be a part of the first generation to eradicate poverty and the last generation capable of reversing climate change. While many around us will try to discount the value of the United Nations or threaten to destabilize or defund its uniforming power, we are confident that together we can spread the essential global ideology that a stronger UN means a better world.
At BUAMUN, you have the ability to control your committee’s actions. You have a say. So speak your mind, reach a consensus, and, most importantly, collaborate with your fellow delegates. Thank you all for attending our conference, and we hope to see you all back here in Boston next spring.
The BUAMUN VII Secretariat
Andrew Yan, Secretary-General
Thomas Mayer, Secretary-General
Sarah Snyder, Secretary-General